As a caveat to those just coming to the site for the first time. Feel free to check back from time to time. Things may change. Not everything, but some of the stuff. AND, Yes, there will be a lot of rambling by me.
January 17. OK, some chages are being made but I'm still a long way from being done here, AND I'm not about to make a New Year's resolution to "dedicate one day each week" as some have suggested. Hey, this is supposed to be fun afterall. Yes, the mp3 page is about to be updated as well. Aside from that... Linux kicks. Now just to get a modem (non-win) in place and make a complete conversion. Your humble narrator is headed north this weekend, and *possibly* to the Twn Cities in early Feb. More on that later -- company-based, so not really an "event."
September 11: The excitement continues (hehe) mp3's of BUCK JARVUS are now available. Track your way to Buck and his music by going through the Music History pages...
September 7th - Back from my hometown. Roughly four days spent there, one longer than I had really planned for -- but was prepared for it. Missed a great chance to catch the dark sky of the region. Maybe next time - may head back in 6 weeks. Some important things in the trip though. I have found FTP space. Watch this site for future mp3 recordings of BUCK JARVIS, C-O-M-E, and other treats.
AND! I talked with that Indonesia guy (the one mentioned in Music History). All is well. He sounds very happy in marriage! (A note to the happy couple: Heya folks - thanks for stopping in! Make sure you stick to that beach "exercise" program. *grin* Boy O's Mom says "HI!" and we all miss ya back here in the states.)
September 2nd - Started the DISCOVERY series of the Hemi-Synch discs. For more info check the web for The Monroe Institute. Focus three cam very easy, but I think I'll need to do a bit more work with it. Damn it did feel good. Been away from the recordings too long.
Undated - Damn, it's been a month already. Where does the time go. Currently reading 3001: The Final Oddessey.
A couple catch-ups... went to the 4th Annual Fargo Blues Fest. Highlights -- Tinsley Ellis rocked the place... R.L. Burnside slayed them after that with his Smokin' Mississippi Delta blues-slash-Jon Spencer produced style. Picture Muddy Waters crossed with the drums of Primus. OUCH! The industrial-sized Killian's didn't hurt either.
August 6th: The weekend hath cometh... or something like that. Picked up another copy of John Irving's Setting Free The Bears. It's been about 10 years since I initially read the book. I'm looking very forward to reading it again. Just learned today that it was his first novel, written at age 25. I'm more impressed now... not knowing his publishing order. I'm still hesitant to read Garp though.
August 3, 1999: Today my house is silent... Boy-O' is gone for a few days. Very silent. You think you will get a lot done in his absence. But it's too quiet.
July 18, 1999
Vacation comes to a close today. While I have had a lot of free time, not much could be dedicated to crafting this page along. But I did see the Tragically Hip in Minneapolis, specifically under the stars at the Minnesota Zoo, Apple Valley, Minnesota (For some reason I feel there should be a link here.) Nothing short of incredible, again.
And said "Good Luck" and "Thank You" to my college Broadcasting instructor Howard Rokke. After 30 years at the helm of the program he helped create, Rokke has stepped down. His influence on the students who passed through his class, as well as the braodcasting industry, is beyond measure. Thanks Again Rok!
As always we reserve the right to reseve our rights, and will continue to update/evolve this page as we see see fit, and as time permits. Txedomoon, 1999
As a caveat to those just coming to the site for the first time. Feel free to check back from time to time. Things may change. Not everything, but some of the stuff. AND, Yes, there will be a lot of rambling by me.
October 11: Sheesh another month.... and another wayyy too big font.
Ok, we'll try to scale this one back.... Added another mp3 in case you missed it. (And there's no excuse now, because there's an MP3 LINK.)
I thought maybe this page would be more revealing.... maybe with time. I think if I can get something going besides once a month it could go someplace. That's all for now.
September 11: The excitement continues (hehe) mp3's of BUCK JARVUS are now available. Track your way to Buck and his music by going through the Music History pages...
September 7th - Back from my hometown. Roughly four days spent there, one longer than I had really planned for -- but was prepared for it. Missed a great chance to catch the dark sky of the region. Maybe next time - may head back in 6 weeks. Some important things in the trip though. I have found FTP space. Watch this site for future mp3 recordings of BUCK JARVUS, C-O-M-E, and other treats.
AND! I talked with that Indonesia guy (the one mentioned in Music History). All is well. He sounds very happy in marriage! (A note to the happy couple: Heya folks - thanks for stopping in! Make sure you stick to that beach "exercise" program. *grin* Boy O's Mom says "HI!" and we all miss ya back here in the states.)
September 2nd - Started the DISCOVERY series of the Hemi-Synch discs. For more info check the web for The Monroe Institute. Focus three came very easy, but I think I'll need to do a bit more work with it. Damn, it did feel good. Been away from the recordings too long.
Undated - Damn, it's been a month already. Where does the time go. Currently reading 3001: The Final Oddessey.
A couple catch-ups... went to the 4th Annual Fargo Blues Fest. Highlights -- Tinsley Ellis rocked the place... R.L. Burnside slayed them after that with his Smokin' Mississippi Delta blues-slash-Jon Spencer produced style. Picture Muddy Waters crossed with the drums of Primus. OUCH! The industrial-sized Killian's didn't hurt either.
August 6th: The weekend hath cometh... or something like that. Picked up another copy of John Irving's Setting Free The Bears. It's been about 10 years since I initially read the book. I'm looking very forward to reading it again. Just learned today that it was his first novel, written at age 25. I'm more impressed now... not knowing his publishing order. I'm still hesitant to read Garp though.
August 3, 1999: Today my house is silent... Boy-O' is gone for a few days. Very silent. You think you will get a lot done in his absence. But it's too quiet.
July 18, 1999
Vacation comes to a close today. While I have had a lot of free time, not much could be dedicated to crafting this page along. But I did see the Tragically Hip in Minneapolis, specifically under the stars at the Minnesota Zoo, Apple Valley, Minnesota (For some reason I feel there should be a link here.) Nothing short of incredible, again.
And said "Good Luck" and "Thank You" to my college Broadcasting instructor Howard Rokke. After 30 years at the helm of the program he helped create, Rokke has stepped down. His influence on the students who passed through his class, as well as the braodcasting industry, is beyond measure. Thanks Again Rok!
As always we reserve the right to reseve our rights, and will continue to update/evolve this page as we see see fit, and as time permits. Txedomoon, 1999