(1990-1993 R.I.P.)


"If a band in Minnesota makes a tape, and there's no one around to hear it..."

Two prodcuts were developed in the various stages, the first being

The Lester of Two Evils

and the second

Breakfast With Steve.

Neither really made it outside our grips, even though there is still the possibility of seeing material burned onto a cd to forever (nearly) preserve what would eventually become ferrite dust. As mentioned in the intro to this page -- there was no mission, just therapy.

Don't get me wrong... this stuff was somewhat ahead of curve, and not too bad... If you like that kind of thing. Bands like Flying Saucer Attack and other Matador label bands may have brought it to a sharper finish, but not until several years later. AND it gave us the chance to be really loud.

Chaper Three: Where we ask ourselves DO FISH SLEEP?

DFS was a project loosely-based on the Ralph Records-Subterranian Modern compilation. Invited artits would be asked the question "Do Fish Sleep" and then would be given the chance to express their answer through song. The Coalition, of course contributed to this, as did the solo faction of Buck Jarvis, the often reformed-under-a-different-name O.P.P.M., and I think the group Circular Puddles of Neon & Yogurt were also invited along. Oh, and then there was that guy who wound up in Indonesia -- at least I think he did. Only three of the cuts live to this day, maybe four.

"" Now you see, some places in the third world it might be difficult to dance to this because the kerosene record player is not a very efficient device." Frank Zappa


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