"And the band played Space Age Bachelor Pad Music..."


I guess it all started in the mid-1980's.

A pirated hook up to televison cable. A split to the Kenwood receiver my roommate was keeping for someone. A job that allowed me to stay up late, and a boring North Dakota winter providing me little to do in that spare time. When these dangerous elements combined, it could only lead to the discovery of BRAVE NEW WAVES, and a major revolution in my thought process.

Breaking away I soon found that, truely music is in everything. And in everything there is music... *grin* Did I actually say that? Well it is late in the 20th Century.

Soon, other perspectives became the norm, gone were the powerchords of my mispent youth. In their place...

"The facilities are now enormous... this is where our young composer feeds a fragment into a tape machine and..."


Flash forward- Circa 1990.

Room Dimensions: 13x10x8

Equipment: Tascam Porta Studio (1), Alyssis Midiverb Rackmount (1), Fender Guitar Amplifier (1), Fender Stratocaster (1), Casio SK-1 (1), Boss Drum Machine (1), Microphone (1), Duck Call (1).

Personnel: Me, another guy who wishes to remain unnamed, and at times another guy who know lives in Indonesia, my wife, one of those guys' sister, our dog and various voices on tape.

Concept: None. Just good therapy.

The Result: Techno-Hell Productions presents...

The Coalition of Musical Extremes

on a less prolific note

Buck Jarvis

Eventually the event ended leaving behind some audio-magnetic remains and a bit of clarity.

*Sorry no link to WAX TRAX. IMHO, Wax Trax died after the first 13 years. Soon after the departure of FRONT 242 and merger with TVT. Sorry.

1999 Txedomoon. All rights reverbed.